Password Change

To change your password, please fill out all the fields below.

Field must not be blank.
Field must not be blank.
Field must not be blank.
Field must not be blank.

Passwords must me the following requirements:

  1. Your password must NOT contain your first or last name, student ID # or birth date.
  2. Your password must NOT match any of your previous 20 passwords.
  3. Must be at least 8 characters long
  4. Your password must include at least 3 of the 4 following requirements:
    • Uppercase letter (eg: ABCD...)
    • Lowercase letter (eg: abcd...)
    • Number (eg: 1845)
    • Symbol (eg: !@?*%$)

If your new password does not meet these requirements, any attempt to change your password will fail. If that happens please retry with a new password.